purchasing with purpose 

Each choice we make matters, because each choice has an impact. This understanding informs everything that we do at Plantd. We approach all of decisions with care, with an intention of amplifying positive impact in the world by supporting  initiatives we wish to see flourish.     

That’s true of our products, which are thoughtfully formulated and carefully made so that you are getting the absolute best for your skin. And it’s true of our packaging. We choose glass instead of plastic because glass is recyclable and non-toxic. Even the seal around our jars is plastic free, made from wood pulp.

And we are careful about the sources of our ingredients because we know that the way things are grown, and produced, have a profound impact on the earth, animals, and people. 

Our sourcing is based upon three areas of consideration, practice, place, and people. 


When it comes to our plant-based ingredients, we partner with producers who practice what broadly can be called natural farming. Another term is agroecology. Really, it’s the kind of farming that’s been practiced for a long time, all over the world, by people with a strong connection to the land, and through this strong connection, understanding what the lands needs, and what it doesn’t.  The key pillars of natural farming are no chemical inputs, an understanding of the innate value of biodiversity, and resilience. Everything that is done is with a mind toward stewardship, and improving, rather than depleting things. 


One way of looking at money is as a form of energy to be directed. That’s how we look at the money we spend on ingredients, and we look to direct this energy to places where the impact can do the most good. That might be a place that has been typically ignored by traditional markets because of its remoteness, or because it is in a state of recovery from conflict or disaster. Or it might be a place where the development of a market can support conservation of nature.


The people who grow the ingredients that we use are the most important part of our approach to sourcing. They are literally the source of our work, not only our ingredients, but also the change we collectively hope to drive in the world. We look to partner with people who share our vision of a kind, equitable, and abundant world.

 How do we do this?


Certifications that are supported by a third-party audit system are a way of recognizing some of the practices that a producer or processor takes      towards sustainability and fairness. The three main certifications we support through our purchasing are:

 Organic – no synthetic inputs, and an emphasis on soil health through crop rotation.

 Fair Trade – centering farmers and workers, ensuring fair treatment, a minimum fair price, and promoting community and self-determination through fair trade premiums.

 Regenerative Organic – it builds upon the principles of both Organic and Fair Trade, expanding to include deeper considerations of soil health and biodiversity, and humane treatment of animals. 

Long term relationships

To fully understand our impacts requires a high level of transparency from our suppliers, which in turn requires a high level of trust, which can only be cultivated through long term relationships. We commit to our suppliers, though the highs and the lows. And we understand that change takes time. By committing to our supplier year over year, we provide a measure of stability, upon which they can plan.

Partnership Approach

We consider our success intertwined with the success of our supply partners. In order to ensure long term, lasting impact, our suppliers need to flourish. We share our sources openly and are always happy to make an introduction. Whatever assistance or expertise we can offer, we do. And we look to our suppliers to help guide our product development, telling us what ingredients we could use that do well in the places they steward.

21 novembre, 2023 — Shaune Bowers