packaged with care

packaged with care

plastic free and reusability are key to our design

In the vast landscape of beauty and personal care, the impact of packaging is undeniable. Over 120 billion units of packaging fill the market each year, with too many ending up where they shouldn't—in our landfills and oceans. At Plantd Skincare, we've consciously chosen a different path.

We fill all our fresh batches in glass jars topped by steel lids as they are infinitely reusable and recyclable. Glass is 100% recyclable and can be reused infinitely without loss of quality, which means that using glass packaging helps to conserve natural resources and reduce carbon emissions compared to single-use materials. The energy required to produce glass packaging is further reduced when recycled glass is used.  Additionally, there is also no risk of harmful chemicals getting into products that are packed in glass. 

Every label on our jars reflects our mission—crafted from FSC certified paper and printed with non-toxic inks, they're as easy on the environment as they are on your jars. And when it comes to securing our products, we only use seals derived from renewable wood pulp.

We're curious to see how you repurpose your Plantd jars. Share your innovations with us @plantdskincare and help us write a new chapter in the story of sustainable beauty.

product safety

product safety

product safety

We understand that the trust our customers place in us begins with the ingredients we select, which is why we opt for those with a long-standing reputation for safety. Our commitment to organic ingredients means we naturally say no to harsh chemicals, synthetic fragrances, and chemical preservatives.

Our responsibility extends beyond the careful selection of ingredients. We collaborate with accredited laboratories to conduct stringent testing on all our products. Through tests known as USP <61> and USP <62>, we analyze for microbial presence and growth, ensuring our products not only meet but often exceed the safety standards recognized by Health Canada and the FDA.

Our vigilance is applied throughout the entire lifecycle of our skincare line. By performing shelf-life testing we maintain a guarantee of stability and efficacy for the full 24-month shelf life of our products. This detailed attention to testing and quality ensures that every product that reaches our customers upholds the high standard of safety synonymous with the Plantd name.

At Plantd we are committed to creating safe cruelty-free cosmetics without the use of animal testing.  We don’t condone the use of animals for safety testing for cosmetics, and support modern non-animal methods that have been shown to better predict human responses than the animal tests they replace.

Interested in learning more about ending the use of animal in testing,  visit our partners at Human Society International Canada.